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You Are Going to Die

Death and taxes. This time of year, most of us are reminded of the Tax Man as we prepare our annual income tax returns. Whether we buy a gallon of gas, or get a paycheck, we find a way to pay taxes to support our community. We are guaranteed to have some tax payment somewhere in our lives.

Death is another guarantee. Every one of us is going to die. 100% probability. When? How? Who knows? But we will all face the moment of death, and what comes after.

Cheerful thoughts for a Valentine's Day! 2024 is one of the special years when Valentine's Day shares the calendar with Ash Wednesday.

Have mercy on me, God, according to your faithful love! Wipe away my wrongdoings according to your great compassion! Wash me completely clean of my guilt; purify me from my sin! ~ Psalm 51

Ash Wednesday is an annual ritual for remembering that we will die someday. We remember how God made us from dust, and that our bodies will return to dirt. Usually, we are able to avoid thinking about death as we fill our lives with busy activities. But our lives are not just about us. We are linked to all of creation. God created us with purpose, and Jesus offers us everlasting life after death through the gift of salvation.

We will die. The atoms and elements that make up our body will be transformed into other stuff in the universe. Our spirits will be joined with God. Someway, somehow, our bodies will be resurrected.

Ash Wednesday is a day to take a moment and get ourselves right with God. Just like Valentine's Day is a chance for a reconnection with a special person in our life, Ash Wednesday reconnects us with God. We get to clear out the mistakes and sin of our lives, and give them to God so God can wash us clean and purify us.

Ash Wednesday isn't about shame and guilt. It's about building a strong relationship with God. Take a moment today to turn your heart and mind back to God. God's still going to be around after you die and leave this current body and existence. You re invited to take this opportunity to build a good relationship for what comes after death. Amen.

Pastor Anna-Lisa Hunter

February 14, 2024


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