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Is Prayer Hard?

True, whole prayer is nothing but love.

St. Augustine

I have talked to a lot of people about prayer. Almost all of them expressed fear of praying in front of other people. Most of them said they weren't sure they were "doing it right." Is prayer hard?

From God's perspective, the answer is: no. Richard Foster wrote a great book on prayer, and he helps explain God's approach to prayer. "We do not need to be shy. He invites us into the living room of his heart, where we can put on old slippers and share freely." (Prayer, p. 1)

God doesn't care about the words we use, or our sentence and grammar structure. God just wants to talk with us. Relationship - one-on-one - hangin' out on the front porch, sipping lemonade and iced tea. God cares more about the time we take, and how often we show up in conversation. God just wants us - the real us - to share our lives with God.

Richard Foster continues: "God aches over our distance and preoccupation. He mourns that we do not draw near to him. He grieves that we have forgotten him. He weeps over our obsession with much-ness and many-ness. He longs for our presence."

Prayer can be easy. We just show up and share our thoughts and take some time to listen and be open to God's nudges and suggestions. Each of us will have a different prayer practices, and our practices change as our lives change. When our kids were little and my husband was starting a small business, his prayer time was reading a devotion in the bathroom and praying while he brushed his teeth. My prayers usually included the kids after reading a kid's Bible. As an empty-nester, I have been trying out meditation and prayer beads as ways to keep my mind connected to God instead of wandering all over the place.

God wants to be with us, and prayer is one way we spend time with God. Just talk and let God know what is going on in your life. Prayer is only hard if we make it hard. Jesus showed us how to talk to God every day. We just have to show up.

Pastor Anna-Lisa

February 20, 2024

Prayer Resources:

4-Word Prayer Format: Wow, Sorry, Help, Thanks. Four basic words that cover the basic needs of our lives in our conversations with God.

Right Here, Right Now, author Amy G. Oden. Book on the practice of Christian Mindfulness or meditation practices.

Every Step An Arrival, author Eugene H. Peterson. 90-Day devotional for daily readings and prayers.

Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home, author Richard J. Foster. 21 Types of Prayer to find the one best suited to you.


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