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Why Church?

Wow. This is a big question. And a question a lot of people are asking these days.

Surveys show that fewer and fewer people think that church is a meaningful part of their lives. More and more people are spending less and less time in church - and many are walking away altogether.

Do we need churches?

For those of us still in a church, what do we do now?

I am convinced that churches are still wonderful, positive places that bring people together to connect with God and community. Yes, there are terrible stories of judgmental churches that set up barriers that limit some people from participating. Yes, churches are full of damaged and broken people.

God has an answer for all of this. Grace and love. Forgiveness and healing. Reconciliation. Redemption. Making us whole and healthy again.

Church was created by Jesus when he left to return to heaven. Church was meant to be a place of encouragement and support (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11):

For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

When I look around, it seems like we could use some more encouragement and support in the world today. Jesus called us to live with love - for ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and our enemies. Church is where we learn how to make love into action, not just a fuzzy feeling. Church is where we are renewed in our spirit through time with God and support from other people, as we continue on a winding spiritual journey with ups and downs.

The way we did church ten, twenty, fifty years ago, doesn't seem to connect with a lot of people today. But there are churches that are healthy and dynamic, places that people are growing with encouragement and support, congregations that seem to have figured out a new way to "be church together". This next year, let's work together to learn from these churches, and start building the type of healthy church that Jesus wants us to have.

Let's connect God and community so we can grow in discipleship to Jesus and help God transform lives.


© 2023 by Anna-Lisa Hunter. Proudly created with

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