Our list of 2019 FLASH Projects to show gratitude and connect with our community.
We are having so much fun meeting new people and sharing God's love with others, we just can't stop! We have a full calendar of projects planned for 2019.
January - Goodie Bags for County Jail Employees (six blocks away)
February - Middle School Teachers (three blocks away)
March - Fire Fighters (five blocks away)
April - Public Library (across the street)
May - Free Carnations on street corners for Mother's Day
June - Business Neighbors
July - Police
August - taking a break!
September - Labor Day Weekend Treats for Fire Fighters
October - Reverse Trick or Treat + Glow Bracelets
November - Cookies for Business Neighbors
December - Study Packs for College Students
Who knows ... maybe we will have more ideas and more people and we will add to this list! Send me your ideas if you are trying this at your church: pastor@bridgesdown